DreadOut Wiki
Residential Estate Inferno

Ntf entry3 judul

Location Abandoned School – Laboratorium, right-wing
Author Unknown
Apperance(s) DreadOut (Game) - Act I

A burnt newspaper clipping describing a story about some houses catching on fire.

English Translation[]

"Last night, twelve houses located at the Tirta Biru residential estate were turned to ashes. Four other houses were also heavily damaged by the blazing fire.
A large crowd of people watched helplessly as the fire consumed everything in its path. "It all happened so fast", said one home owner, Herman, who had to leap out of a two-story window from his study room. "We were lucky no one died."
A local night watchman, Budi, insisted that he noted 2 suspicious individuals near the site of the incident. However, Handoko, the town's Fire Department Chief is certain that what occurred was purely accidental, due to the source of the fire; a stove belonging to one of the uninsured home owners."

Indonesia Translation[]

"Tadi malam, 12 rumah yang berada di komplek perumahan Tirta Biru hangus terbakar. 4 buah rumah lainnya mengalami rusak berat.

Kerumunan orang menyaksikan amukan api tersebut tanpa daya. "Semuanya terjadi begitu cepat." ucap Herman, salah satu pemilik rumah yang terpaksa meloncat dari jendela lantai 2 ruang kerjanya. "Untung saja tidak ada yang tewas.

Hansip komplek perumahan, Budi, yakin bahwa ia sempat melihat 2 orang yang mencurigakan di dekat lokasi kejadian. Tetapi, Handoko, Kepala Pemadam Kebakaran, yakin bahwa kejadian ini murni kecelakaan. Seperti terlihat dari dari sumber kebakaran, yaitu ledakan kompor milik salah satu warga yang rumahnya tidak diasuransikan."


  • Ironically, a part of this clipping was also burnt.
  • The newspaper clip mentions KOMPAK, which might be a parody name for KOMPAS.