DreadOut Wiki
Classroom Execution

Ntf entry1 judul

Location Village - Fountain (Near School Gate)
Author Unknown
Apperance(s) DreadOut (Game) - Act I

A newspaper clipping describing a tragedy classroom execution.

English Translation[]

"Another girl was found dead yesterday at local high school. Similar to the two previous victims, Eti and Dian, Suharti was found hanging by the neck. This time, the incident took place at classroom 1D.
After concluding that the two previous executions were separate, isolated incidents of suicide, the police have officially announced that all the women were, in fact, murder victims. Chief Inspector Jaka stated about the case, 'We now have a solid lead on the murderer.'"

Indonesia Translation[]

"Satu korban lagi ditemukan tewas di sebuah SMA. Seperti dua kejadian sebelumnya, Eti dan Dian, jasad Suharti ditemukan dalam posisi menggantung. Kali ini, peristiwa terjadi di kelas 1D.

Setelah menyimpulkan bahwa peristiwa-peristiwa sebelumnya merupakan dua insiden bunuh diri yang terpisah, pihak kepolisian secara resmi menyatakan bahwa ketiga wanita tersebut adalah korban aksi pembunuhan. Inspektur Jaka menyatakan "Sekarang kami telah memiliki petunjuk yang jelas mengenai sang pelaku."


  • Some parts of the words on the Newspaper Clipping are smudged out.
  • The description of this execution somehow were similar to the picture the player can take on the upper hallway, which depicts three to four highschool girls hanging in a noose, and a Pocong standing in the background.