Long ago, Buto Ijo were a species of giant-kin who lived their lives full of greediness. But their greediness resulted in their downfall when the Buto Ijo king led his followers to raid the Archdevil of Greed’s treasury. They failed, and as punishment, the Archdevil cursed them to be their servants, turning them into fiends. Now, whenever a mortal asks for a fiendish pact to get riches, the Archdevil sends a Buto Ijo to do its bidding, for a price. Sometimes the Archdevil sends them to serve other entities who represent greed or wealth. Sometimes Buto Ijo defects and serves whomever they want. (The legend of Buto Ijo has been passed down through generations. However sometimes the story has been added to or cut accordingly)
Tier 1A
A Buto Ijo looks like a troll with green skin with black hair , fangs and red eyes.
Um gigante humanóide verde que adora consumir carne humana, esta criatura também é reverenciada como uma divindade.
Para quem deseja riqueza ou sucesso imediato
O pacto obscuro com Buto Ijo exige um alto preço, pois como oferenda eles devem fazer
sacrifícios humanos periódicos, se seus fiéis não cumprirem, mas Ijo virá para comê-los e, finalmente, ele também os devorará.
o rastro de seus parentes
Nesta história, Linda conhece um amigável Buto Ijo depois de lhe oferecer comida e avisá-lo que ela
e deixá-la saber que ela pertence às Meilindas, a criatura prometida para ajudar, mas
sempre que estiver em situação de grande perigo
they like to kidnap children by bringing them to its dwelling and just play with them. The children they kidnap are made into their slave to do their bidding. When they finally get bored with the children. The children would be killed and eaten. It doesn’t care about the children at all rather all it wants from them is just entertainment and food.
In Game[]
Not much is known about the Buto Ijo since it is said to be a Easter egg. He is found in a broken down house with a white cat on it's leg. The Buto Ijo is passive and only sits down not interacting with the player. There is also stairs that lead to a dead end with a symbol on the wall that can only be seen with the players camera.
Were I got my info
This my first wiki I made on something so I'm new to this just pointing this out if it looks bad.